Monday, April 6, 2015


For this final project, I will be arguing that GTA V is a satire of American Society. So far I have found a few sources criticizing this idea, but they will actually help me out more than hurt me, since they admit to it being satirical ,if you understand satire. I also have some supporting sources that go along with exactly what I am trying to argue, so this will be a HUGE help also, building my ethos by citing a credible author. My argument will be based off of: what exactly satire is, how the game uses it, and why that was such a good move for the creators of GTA V. Short blog post, right to the point! See y'all in class!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Dearest "Researched Argument," will you marry me?

For project 4 I'll be writing about the benefits of grass fed livestock, for humans as consumers and animals as the food source. Basically my central argument (or arguments I guess you could say) is/are that grass fed livestock provide better nutrients for our body, and that treatment in slaughterhouses is cruel and unusual. That's a very rough description of what I'm trying to say with this paper. Actually, that was not a good description at all... The details make it easier to understand. There are two components of it: the animal cruelty in slaughterhouse side, and the grass fed livestock is better for you side. okay, that sounds better.

I'm going to really focus on the benefits of eating grass fed: the fats we get from meat and how our body processes them. In terms of the slaughterhouse side, I'll be focusing on how animals are treated: what they eat, hormone treatment and physical living conditions. I can't think of a good way to word it, but my goal is to tie the two together.

I had trouble deciding on a topic for this paper. But once I found this I knew right away I had to do it. I like knowing whats in my food and where it came from.Just recently I've attended a lot of lectures on nutrition. I've learned a lot about how the human body processes different nutrients and where those nutrients come from. That's why I decided to write about this topic. I am also using this topic for another paper in a different class, so hopefully it'll help to be doing double time on it, and I can really do some awesome research.

Speaking of research, I have a couple sources already: two books about cruelty in slaughterhouses, a journal article on fats (for the nutrition side of the argument) and a possible movie source. It's a documentary about people going vegan and researching the treatment of animals in slaughterhouses. So depending, I might be using that. I still have a good bit of research to do (spring break)!

I am going to try to have my research done and sources read when we return from break, and also the literature review drafted, I'm going to be busy it seems.

Now I feel I've rambled enough in my proposal, I hope my paper says yes!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Road Map to Project 3

PSA: This is going to be one twisted road map, because I have no clue what I'm doing.

Let's begin:

We're supposed to be in the area of study that we're majoring in. So mine will be Biology, specifically the conservation area. I'm glad I get to work with this since it's something I'm very passionate about, and have had previous experience working in (hopefully it will help, maybe not).
We are supposed to start with research. That's good, I like learning new things. However, I am still not entirely sure what I'm looking for in doing research......
Once I figure it out I'm sure it will become easier.
Next, let's face it: I will proKrantztinate (My family's type of procrastination, we're quite good at this). I always do this, it never fails. So I would rather be safe than sorry and just add it into my "roadmap" at least then I will seem to have organized chaos.
After I finish whatever it is that is keeping me form doing my work, I'll start back up. I suppose my next step would be deciding on a genre to compose in. This will most likely be a project in itself because I am not a good decision maker. Maybe I'll just pick out of a hat?
Drafting: My worst enemy. I know we talked about "shitty first drafts" and how it's not a bad thing for your first draft to be bad, but I still have so much trouble starting out. I can never get words on the page flowing together. So naturally, this step will take some time.
Once I draft and revise it should be smooth sailing (I hope). Although, I always do this thing where I don't give my audience enough insight (maybe I should make that a personal goal for this project). I think I will do just that.

Now that I've babbled for quite some amount of words, I feel like I should cut this off. As I'm reading it, it isn't making much sense, and I'm sure there are many many typos.


  1. Try not to proKrantztinate as badly. 
  2. Give my audience more insight.
See yall in class!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Project 1

I have mixed emotions about project 1.

At first, I didn't think too much of it, but as the deadline drew closer, I started to become more and more worried. I've never considered myself an "excellent writer" or even a good one at that. I've always been kind of average. For some unknown reason, I honestly couldn't tell you, I felt like I had to be above average now with this paper. Maybe it's because it' a college level class now, I feel more is expected of my writing, or that I'm supposed to be a better writer now. Whatever the reason ma have been, it was like a dark cloud above me when I was writing. Everything I typed onto the page just didn't seem up to par. I felt like I couldn't write anything good enough.

So I stopped working on it for a day, and forgot all about Project 1. Literally I actually forgot to work on it.. When I came back to reality and noticed that "Hey, your paper is due tomorrow!!" I kind of stressed a little. So I went back to me "shitty first draft," which the name suited well, and looked at the notes from peer review. I made my revisions and headed off to see Eda.

When I arrived I told her a little bit about my paper and she asked me "What do you want to work on? Anything specific or just want to look it over?" To this, I had no idea how to respond. What do I want to work on?! In that moment I was feeling very stupid because I don't even know what I don't know....about my own paper. What an author hahaha! So I thought about it for a quick second (trying not to sit there in silence for too long) and finally came up with "I just don't want my argument to be weak, I feel like I can do this so much better, I want it to be good." Which is basically what I was going for, just stated in a strange way. So we went through and checked it out.

What Eda helped me realize is that I was on the right track, but I was missing some pieces. I had "the skeleton," and I just needed to give my audience a little more insight. This of course had me elated because there I was thinking that I was doing horrible terrible horrible. Now that I felt like a decent writer, I went back to working on it.

That's kind of a white lie because I didn't touch my second draft for revisions that day. But at least now I've been honest. I actually finished it the next morning. I don't have classes until 11, so I like ot get up and do my work in the mornings. I took everything Eda had told me and ran. I actually felt like I did a ton of quality writing that Friday morning. I no longer felt my writing "wasn't good enough" or that  I had to write any better than before. The dark cloud over my head was gone. I was able to put it all together and relay what I was trying to say to my audience. All I needed was a little confidence boost.

So a special thanks goes out to Eda, for helping me finish Project 1 not feeling like a cruddy writer. Now just hoping to see a decent grade. Fingers crossed!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Hi everyone! I'm Dana Buskovitz, a freshman BioSci major from Mayfield PA. It's a small town outside of Scranton (for all the Office fans out there). I lived there my entire life, so it was a BIG change when my family just recently moved to Greenville, but fortunately we're all loving SC! It's especially nice for me because I like having my mom so close while I'm at school. She's been my best friend my whole life and still is! Makes sense because I'm basically her mini me!

I'm currently living in Clemson House as a member of the Wellness LLC. I love being outdoors, and anything science-y. I also love to read when I find the time.

As far as writing goes, I used to love to write when I was younger. I wrote poems and short stories about anything I could think of. I remember once I filled a whole notebook with pages of a story I was writing. It was a fun way to express my imagination as a kid, and my family loved to hear what I wrote. As I grew up I just lost the time to sit down and write myself, so I took to reading.  Like any student I've written my fair share of papers in school. Strangely enough I don't mind them. I enjoy being able to express my thoughts on paper, given an interesting topic to work with. So I guess you could say I've done some "authoring."

I can't wait to get back into writing via blogging (which I am particularly excited about), facebook, or our in-class projects! Hoping this semester is a good one!